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Debbie Connolly, Founder of SafePets UK and My Dog Has Bitten, often gives media interviews about dogs and the law, watch some of the latest interviews

Debbie Connolly, Good Morning Britain

January 2023.  The tragic death of a dog walker in Surrey has prompted calls for the potential limiting of numbers and a review of licensing.  Good Morning Britain Interview.

Sky News did a special report on the Met Police Status Dog Unit who reported that 300 dogs will be seized in 2016

After the tragic death of Frankie MacRitchie, a 9 year old child killed by a dog at a Cornwall Caravan Park, Sky News covered the story. April 2019

Sky News did a special report on the Met Police Status Dog Unit who reported that 300 dogs will be seized in 2016

After the tragic death of Frankie MacRitchie, a 9 year old child killed by a dog at a Cornwall Caravan Park, Sky News covered the story. April 2019

Sadly in 2015 a baby, Reggie, was killed by a dog. What needs to be done to avoid bites?

Feb 2017, interviewed for "Pets or Partners".  Would you rehome your pet if a partner didn't like it? Listen Here

Do Dogs like Hugs? A new study says they dont
BBC Panorama filmed an expose of puppy farming.  This is the radio interview, lots of good advice.

My Dog Has Bitten

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